Friday, January 21, 2011

WILL’S BOW Part 13. The button completed.

The button with its two silver rings in place is put back in the lathe and the collar is cut. Then the screw hole is drilled and the recess for the nipple on the stick is cut. A recess is also cut for the pearl eye that will go at the end. A screw has been prepared that matches the mortise and the hole going through it. The majority of makers buy partially threaded steel rod from a specialist. Then the rod is turned on the lathe to the correct dimensions and one end filed square where it will be driven into the button.

The screw is hammered snugly into the button and checked for straightness. Then the pearl eye is filed to fit and glued in place. At this point the button is held in a little vise and the facets are filed.

When these are nearly completed a small hole is drilled in each ring and a silver pin is riveted into place. This prevents the ring from ever turning. The button is then filed with fine files, polished and the work is complete.

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